One of the biggest misconceptions today is that people can build a pro-quality physique without steroids, it just takes longer.
People say: “I won’t take them, even if they are legal steroids. I’m willing to train harder for my muscles, and I don’t care if it takes five years longer.”
The truth is that a hard-training bodybuilder who eats well and trains progressively hits a wall after five years and just cannot get significantly bigger without getting fatter.
I know dedicated bodybuilders who have been slogging away with regular high-quality training for 10, 15 and 20 years without gaining even a half-inch on their arms. Five years of all-out training will not give you the muscle gains and same effects of a three-month steroid cycle. Sad but true.
However, since there were studies that showed the liver could be severely affected due to the use of these illegal steroids, they were banned in 2004 by the Anabolic Steroid Control Act.
The laws are getting tougher and tougher for any bodybuilder that continues to buy real steroids. Several individuals that have used anabolic steroids have also reported the risk of heart problems and kidney failure.
Due to their harmful effects, big companies like Crazy Bulk, Testogen, and Brutal Force and spent millions of dollars on experimenting with natural ingredients and have founded the best legal steroids which can reprint the powerfulness of real anabolic steroids.
10 Best Legal Steroids: Top-Rated Legal Anabolic Steroids
1. DBAL (Dianabol) – Best Legal Steroid for Muscle Growth
Dianabol was initially developed in 1956 and is a derivative of Testosterone. It is an orally active compound with a 17-alpha-alkylated alteration making it ingestible thus not breaking down when metabolized by the gut and liver.
The best legal alternative to this anabolic steroid pill is Dbal, manufactured by Crazybulk, one of the biggest bodybuilding companies.
Dbol is used in the bulking stack for protein synthesis, and often used in conjunction with other anabolic steroids (stacked) or as a “kick start”. It can also be added to finish a cycle when gains have slowed or plateaued ending a cycle in an anabolic environment.
D-BAL Dosage Information
The standard bottle of D-BAL comes with 90 pills, acting as a one-month supply. Each day, it is recommended that you take 3, both on and off training. One tablet in the morning, one around lunchtime and one around dinner time. The minimum dosage is 30mg, while the maximum is 50mg.
2. Trenorol (Trenbolone) – Best Legal Steroid for Bulking and Cutting
Trenorol is the safe legal alternative to Trenbolone. The Trenbolone itself is considered to be five times more powerful than Testosterone. This anabolic product can stimulate the production of red blood cells and boost the glycogen replenishment rate, tremendously bettering the recovery process.
Besides of its capability as a bulking agent, it’s also great for its fat loss properties. This product is a great combination to use in the cutting stack.
For example, it can partition the nutrients. The androgen receptors are located in both the muscle and fat cells, with androgens reacting right on the receptors in fat cells to affect the body fat burning process.
Trenorol Dosage Information
In one bottle of Trenorol, there are 30 servings, holding 90 tablets of 7 mg. In order for this supplement to be effective, you must take three times a day, every day at least 30 minutes before your workout session.
Active natural ingredients include:
- Nettle leaf extract (100mg)
- Beta sitosterol (200mg)
- Samento inner Back
- Pepsin
The one con with Trenorol is that if you already have bad cholesterol, you may have adverse side effects to this product. Not everyone (or many) have this problem, but it’s something to look deeper into if you’re reaching for this steroid. We would choose this over others because of the mood improvement.
3. Testogen – Best Testosterone Booster
Testosterone is the base hormone in men that separates the true Alpha-Male from the rest. Men with higher testosterone levels are physically stronger, mentally smarter, they carry more lean muscle mass and less body fat, have a larger male organ and are more aggressive than “average” males.
Testogen is one of the best legal steroid alternatives to Sustanon, which assists naturally to build muscle mass and boost the levels of testosterone in men. It is entirely legal and doesn’t have any severe side effects. The ingredients are derived from the plants, naturally raising hormone levels.
The anabolic steroids, combined with a healthy diet and appropriate workout or exercise, can deliver significant muscle building results. Moreover, it lowers stress while speeding up recovery time. It is 100% safe and there is no danger to the liver or kidneys.
Testogen Dosage Information
The higher the dosage you go with Testogen, the more side effects you will have. It is recommended that you don’t take any more than 750 mg a week, but the user average of Testogen is 50 mg a day.
4. HBULK – Best Legal Somatropin Alternative
HBULK is excellent for developing size and strength, which is formulated as a safe alternative to Somatropin. It works by promoting positive nitrogen retention and balance in the body, which causes the muscles to be able to use more protein, more efficiently than normal.
HBULK also helps to increase red blood cell production which leads to vaster endurance during weight training and cardiovascular sessions. The appetite is stimulated as well, allowing the bodybuilder to take in more food for growing.
Finally, bone density is actually increased too, making HBULK as the best Somatropin alternative for strength athletes such as powerlifters, in addition to bodybuilders. The bottom line is, HBULK makes you grow.
HBULK Dosage Information
One bottle of HBULK has 90 tablets which are to be taken once per day. Before your first meal, this supplement must be taken between 20 and 35 minutes in advanced. These tablets are to be taken during cutting and bulking cycles only and after these cycles, you must stop taking them for 1.5 weeks.
5. HGH X2 – Best Human Growth Hormone Booster
Human growth hormone is mainly used to counter the endurance and aging symptoms due to its effective properties in anti-aging. Naturally, when the body gets drained with its HGH levels, negative symptoms will then start to appear which can significantly affect the overall welfare of the human body.
Loss of strength, stamina, vigor, hair loss, a manifestation of osteoporosis, loss of memory and an eventual drops of muscle and strength are basic symptoms that can plague the human body.
The use of HGH-X2 leads to increased strength, elevated sex drive, muscle gains, and fat loss.
HGH-X2 Dosage Information
In one standard bottle of HGH-X2 supplement, there are 60 tablets of 500mg a piece. They must be taken with your meals, even when you have your workout days.
This anabolic steroid must be taken at least 30 minutes before your pre-workout on an 8-week cycle.
After your 8-week cycle, you must stop taking for at least 1.5 weeks. You may resume after this recovery period.
6. Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)
Clenbuterol, or mostly known as Clen, is the right and safe choice for anybody who wants to lose weight fast. Muscle building enthusiasts have preferred Clenbuterol because of its many distinct ways of burning fat and increasing metabolic rate.
It starts the fat burning process devoid of any dieting through the increase of the body’s temperature a little bit, thus forcing one’s body to rekindle the fat-burning process.
It’s also mainly due to some celebrities who have admitted to using Clenbutrol pills to lose weight for concerts or acting roles where they needed to lose some pounds fast.
Clenbutrol Dosage Information
The full cycles of a typical dosage of Clenbuterol for men should look as follows:
- Day 1 – 60 mcg
- Day 2 – 80 mcg
- Day 3 – 100 mcg
- Day 4 – 120 mcg
- Day 5 – 140 mcg
- Day 6 – 120 mcg
- Day 7 – 100 mcg
- Day 8 – 80 mcg
- Day 9 – 60 mcg
- Day 10 – 60 mcg
MCG stands for Micromilligram, so the values you are viewing do not mean “mg.” Clenbutrol is much trickier than other anabolic steroids. A decent starting point in the world of MCG for men on Clenbutrol is around 40mcg, with women being at 20mcg.
The safe approach is to raise your dose by 20mcg everything two weeks for better results, but you must lower the increments for your body off after the 6th-week mark.
7. Anvarol (Anavar)
Anvarol is a safe, legal alternative to Anavar that produces the sort of hardness and crispness that bodybuilders could kill for.
Besides having the ability to produce incredible hardness, this legal Anavar alternative also creates great strength gains. Logically, that’s why people take these anabolic steroids in a pre-contest cycle. They want to maintain their strength during the diet phase. That’s truly its two greatest advantages.
The diet won’t totally beat you into the ground, and you’ll be able to maintain your current level of mass during a diet because you’ll still be able to push the heavyweights. Plus, Anvarol stacks exceedingly well with other anabolic steroids.
Anvarol Dosage Information
A standard bottle of Anvarol oral tablets includes 90 capsules of precisely 35mg. One tablet must be taken twice a day, leaving a 90 capsule bottle to be a month supply.
8. Winsol (Winstrol)
Winstrol or Stanozolol is best used during the cutting phase where you are shedding kilos between bulking up. Commonly used in cutting down fat, Winsol steroids can help prevent weight gain and ensure that you get a leaner look.
While it promises slow and steady weight gain, Winsol is very efficient in increasing body strength and is ideal for short-term use.
By increasing the energy levels and threshold in your body, this pill will help you push your limits and intensify your workout sessions. Trainers typically see an immediate jump in bench press, squat, and other numbers, making Winsol popular among powerlifters.
Winsol Dosage Information
One of a few legal anabolic steroids that only require a small dosage, Winsol, should never be used for more than 6 weeks at a time. Many users only use it for 4 weeks and see an incredible change during this short period of time. For effective use within 4-6 weeks, the user must consume 50mg per day by mouth.
9. Anadrole (Anadrol)
Anadrole is exceptionally effective for building strength and lean muscle mass. Subjects taking this anabolic legal steroid pill typically add several pounds of muscle in 1-2 weeks, with gains continuing even as body fat levels drop.
Strength goes up significantly, so does aggression in the gym. Other than a mass gain, there is a huge water weight gain as well, which makes the user feel as big as a house.
With its usage, the diameter of the muscles increases rapidly because of vast water retention within the muscle cells. In essence, this has tended to give the whole muscle system frame such a puffy and smooth look.
Anadrole Dosage Information
Anadrole comes in many dosages, but the standard for no adverse side effects is 50mg per tablet, at least, to build muscle mass effectively. It should be taken for weeks 1-12 of your cycle.
10. NO2 MAX (Nitric Oxide Booster)
NO2 MAX (Nitric oxide) has been used in the bodybuilding world for many years as a powerful way to increase muscle mass by allowing more blood to flow into the muscle cells.
A higher amount of blood flowing into the muscle tissue will result in a greater number of nutrients being made available that can contribute to increased muscle size and shape.
Another one of the nitric oxide benefits that many bodybuilders and gym junkies look forward to while using nitric oxide is what is known as the “pump”.
Since nitric oxide can widen and enlarge blood channels effectively, blood quickly floods into body parts that are being placed under resistance from the weight training.
This results in the muscles getting pumped full of blood and helping to increase the body's ability to build muscle mass both short term and long term.
Legal Steroid Stacks
Each of above-listed best legal steroids will give results, but sometimes not by itself.
Whether it is for bulking, cutting, or endurance, to gain for best results on the muscle growth, those steroids have to be stacked together.
Use it as part of a well-planned stack, and remember to taper off when it’s time to take a break.
1. Bulking Stack
This legal steroid stack is an amazing combo package which delivers the anabolic effects and impressive result in a very short amount of time. With this package you get:
- D-Bal – increases nitrogen retention for building muscle mass
- DecaDuro – retains nitrogen and enhance energy performance
- Trenorol – helps gain muscle and achieve results FAST
- Testo-Max – pumps up the testosterone levels
Now, as mentioned before, these legal anabolic steroids are considered legal in the United States today because they don’t have any side effects of the past and are completely safe.
With the usage of these products, you will see your muscles growing dramatically. More importantly, these safe steroids will take care of your body fat and reduce it to a minimum.
This safe anabolic product promises turbocharged metabolism, which in simple words mean super-quick muscle growth.
With Crazy Bulk Bulking Supplements, you can fulfill the dream of being shredded finally. It is also important to note that you would have increased stamina to build muscle with the continuous usage of these legal anabolic steroids.
All of this is possible because of the better digestion and protein synthesis.
2. Cutting Stack
This stack was made if you were looking to get rid of any excess bulk. Slim down and really show off those muscles with this package which includes:
- Anvarol – improves strength and energy
- Testo-Max – increases hormone testosterone levels
- Clenbutrol – burn fat, improves cardiovascular performance
- Winidrol – helps with cutting
By just looking at its official website, the vision of the manufacturer is very life-changing; they want everyone to be an achiever and be the best wherever they are.
Increase your focus and energy so that you could be a beast in the gym. More importantly, they claim that you will have an increase in muscle strength, performance, and weight loss.
There are many steroids or products in the market that claim to increase your energy levels, but the problem with them is that they are not consistent in their results.
This inconsistency, however, is not true for this product. You can achieve a lean muscle composition very quickly because this anabolic steroid contains scientifically advanced natural ingredients.
NDMA is one example of the ingredient which is scientifically researched to deliver a hundred percent more results as compared to its counterparts.
Burn a ton of fast super-fast with the Cutting-Stack products.
Other than above, you might as well want to purchase the Ultimate Stack to bring your muscle building workout to the next level.
3. Ultimate Stack
The ultimate cycle or stack contains six products and is perfect for accelerating muscle growth.
The ultimate stack cycle can be used by men of any age; older men who struggle with low energy levels will notice increased athletic performance while helping you gain more lean muscle mass and explosive energy.
It is recommended that for maximum benefits, you cycle them for 30 or 60 consecutive days, skip one month, then cycle again.
Do legal steroids work?
There is no simple answer to this question. Legal steroids are a controversial topic, with many claiming that they are effective and others asserting that they are ineffective. There is some scientific evidence to support both sides of the argument.
The effectiveness of legal steroid alternatives will vary depending on the individual taking them and the specific goals they are hoping to achieve. However, in general, legal steroids are designed to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids without the associated risks.
This means that they can help to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance while also helping to reduce recovery time after intense workouts. While they will not produce the same results as illegal steroids, they can still be helpful for those looking to improve their athletic performance or build muscle mass.
Other legal steroid alternatives contain natural ingredients that are thought to boost testosterone levels. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth. While some studies have found that natural testosterone boosters can increase testosterone levels, other studies have failed to find any significant effects. Again, it is possible that the conflicting results may be due to differences in the doses used or the populations studied.
Overall, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether or not legal steroid alternatives are effective. More research is needed to determine the potential benefits and risks of using these products.
How Do These Legal Steroids Work?
Legal steroid cycles or stacks are made to be cycled for 30 or 60 days. They help stimulate your body into producing higher amounts of hormones than it already does.
When you train intensely, you cause the body to demand more testosterone. Unfortunately, the body only produces so much.
A legal steroid cycle causes the body to produce high testosterone levels; the end result is more strength, stamina, and increased muscle gains.
Why Should You Use Legal Steroids?
There are many compelling reasons why you should consider using legal steroids.
First of all, zero side effects. These legit steroids are well tested to ensure that they’re fit for human consumption, so they are safe to use.
Second, the legal aspect. Unlike the other illegal steroids, these natural supplements are 100% legal and can be used without fear of prosecution.
Third, it benefits the body. As said previously, these legal steroids aren’t harmful, and they provide some benefits to the body, such as increased lean muscle mass, fat loss, and increased stamina, to name a few. These are just some of the few reasons as to why you should consider using these legal steroids instead.
These safe alternative supplements use natural ingredients and are safe and legal to use. They aim to mimic the anabolic effects of the illegal steroids, but making sure to get rid of any harmful side effects to your health.
The Side Effects of Using Illegal Steroids
If you're not sure yet of why you should use natural steroid alternatives instead of the illegal ones, then the following facts may help you decide.
Many teens and young men will consider steroid use because they want to get big fast. However, a teen who begins using steroids at an early age will stop their bodies' own endogenous production of hormones.
Some may say, who cares. However, once this happens, you may have to take steroids for the rest of your life. Even if you do continue steroid use, you also risk losing fertility, making it difficult to have kids in the future.
Besides the risk of infertility, if you continue to take anabolic steroids into your mid 20's you also risk disrupting your body's own natural hormone cycle, causing problems with your pituitary gland and natural testosterone production.
Older men may not suffer the same side effects. What you must know is that after you completely suspend steroids, it can take several months before your body actually begins to produce testosterone on its own again.
Anabolic steroids are not the only thing that younger men and teens are taking to enhance their physique. HGH has also become very popular among the bodybuilding community.
Unfortunately, it can cause abnormal bone and organ growth, which, after an extended period of time, can also cause specific health issues. Some of the side effects may include muscle and joint pain, water retention, high blood pressure, hair loss, high cholesterol, and bone deformities.
So, Are Legal Steroids Safe?
Legal steroids are safe and have no side effects, but they are not perfect. These safe steroids can help you increase muscle mass, but they do not work as fast as anabolic steroids.
Legal steroids are capable of helping you pack on 4.5 – 7.5kg (1.57 -2.36 st) of muscle mass during a 30-day cycle.
And while that may seem significant, steroids can help you pack on twice as much. The difference is legal steroids don't have harmful side effects.
Legal Steroids Are Scam – Aren't They?
Anyone who uses anabolic steroids will tell you that you should not bother wasting your money on legal steroids. They will also tell you that they don't work.
The bottom line is that most men want to see instant results, and most are not willing to do what it takes to gain real muscle growth. For many, steroids are a lazy man's solution to getting big.
When you stop taking steroids, your muscles shrink. This is because you have been feeding your body with testosterone, and it no longer is producing it on its own.
Natural steroid alternatives take more time, but the muscle you gain stays with you. Legal steroid alternatives may take longer to work, but the results are also long-lasting.
What Are Legal Steroids for Muscle Growth?
There are a few different types of natural steroid alternatives for muscle growth that are available on the market today. The most popular type of legal steroid is the Testogen steroid, a legal alternative version of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth in the body, so taking an anabolic steroid can help increase muscle mass and strength.
Another type of legal steroid is human growth hormone or HGH. This hormone is also responsible for muscle growth and can help promote fat loss and increase energy levels. HGH is usually only available through prescription, but there are some over-the-counter supplements that contain it.
DBAL is one of the best steroid alternatives for muscle growth. It is a natural substance produced by the body, and it helps supply the muscles with energy. Creatine can help to increase muscle size and strength, and it is also known for its ability to help improve recovery time after workouts.
There are a few other legal steroid alternatives that are sometimes used for muscle growth, but those three are the most popular and the most effective. If you want to gain muscle mass and strength, then using one or more of these natural steroid alternatives can help you achieve your goals.
What Legal Steroids Really Work?
Not all legal steroid alternatives are created equal. Some steroids like DBAL, Trenorol, and Testogen are designed for specific purposes, such as increasing muscle mass or improving athletic performance. In contrast, others are meant to be used for general purposes. However, not all steroids are legal, and some can have dangerous side effects.
The legal steroids that really work will depend on your individual goals. If you want to increase muscle mass, then a steroid designed for that purpose is likely to be the most effective. If you want to improve your athletic performance, then a steroid designed for that purpose is likely to be the most effective.
Where Can I Buy Legal Steroids?
There are a few different places you can buy the best legal steroids. One option is to purchase them online from the Crazy Bulk store. Another option is to buy them from Brutal Force. Finally, you can also find legal steroids for sale in here.
In Conclusion
Gaining quality muscle is not easy. The route you take is a decision everyone has to make for themselves. If you are the sane one, you will eventually choose to use legal steroid alternatives.
From my perspective, taking anabolic steroids is like playing Russian roulette with your health because many are sold on the black market. There is no guarantee of what you are getting. Legal steroids are safe, natural, and come from reputable sources.
Legal steroids alternatives have long been a staple in bodybuilding game due to its minimal side effects and very effective muscle-building properties. Use it wisely, and grow, grow, grow!

Rob is a Certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Besides being a writer, he's also a lifestyle coach. His expertise includes healthy and natural weight loss, nutritional supplements, and fitness nutrition. His practice philosophy is simple. He provides nutrition education and support in his coaching to get people excited about food and eating well with better choices! It doesn't have to be boring, excessive, or anything but “what a rabbit eats” to lose or gain weight, or whatever your goal is. He utilizes scientific research and the latest information so everyone can obtain their goals and sustain a healthy lifestyle beyond their intervention.